Close cooperation between the Parents' Council and the school management serves the interests of the students, and all parents are welcome to participate in school life.

The aim of the parents' council is to enable good cooperation between school and home, and to allow parents to participate in important decisions affecting the school. Due to the political situation, the parents' council of a school in the region is of particular importance.
The Parents Advisory Committee (PAC) at the Schmidt Schule works in a spirit of trust with the school administration and staff. At the beginning of each school year, parent representatives are elected in each class to form the PAC and appoint a Parent Council Chairperson from among them. The entire PAC meets regularly with the school management for consultation. We will send you our PAC guidelines on request.
Telefon: +972 (0)-2-62678-70 (Arabisch / Englisch) Telefax: +972 (0)-2-6275321
Schmidt-Schule Jerusalem Nablus Road 97 P.O. Box 995 9100 901 Jerusalem
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