Schmidt-Schule has a cooperation with St.Charles Kindergarden and St. Charles Tamhidi. Enrollment of students coming from other schools is open through the following link:

Link Registration 2025-26

Knowledge of the German language must be proved by the applicant depending on the grade they will attend.

A student is admitted to Schmidt-Schule on the basis of former records, the completion of the required admission procedures, an interview with the headmaster and a test in Arabic, English and Math.

The annual school fees including the registration fee for the school year 2024-2025 are:
grades 1-2: 7.700 NIS
grades 3-4: 7.800 NIS
grades 5-6: 7.900 NIS
grades 7-9: 8.100 NIS
grades 10-12: 8.300 NIS

Further information on the admission procedure and fees can be found in the “Handbook For Parents and Students”. Handbook 2024-25 Please get in touch with us to receive a German version, if needed.


Telefon: +972 (0)-2-62678-70 (Arabisch / Englisch) Telefax: +972 (0)-2-6275321

Schmidt-Schule Jerusalem Nablus Road 97 P.O. Box 995 9100 901 Jerusalem

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