
Jerusalem - The Holy City for three world religions: Christianity, Judaism and Islam. There where these religions meet is a unique school: the Schmidt Schule.

The Schmidt Schule was founded in 1886 as a private girls' school under Catholic school sponsorship and is today under the ownership of the German Association of the Holy Land (DVHL).

The objective was and still is to offer girls' education at the highest level: intercultural, interreligious, multilingual, holistic and independent of the social and religious background of the students. Today, this offer is taken up by 530 girls of Christian or Muslim faith. Since 2008, the Schmidt Schule has belonged to the circle of 140 German schools abroad worldwide and since 2015 it has held the seal of quality "Excellent German School Abroad".

On Tuesday, June 25th, Abbot Nicodemus from the Dormition Abbey celebrated the last Holy Mass of the school year for our school community. The service was celebrated as a thanksgiving mass for the past school year and at the same time as a celebratory mass in memory of the birth of Saint John the Baptist (June 24th).

We wish all members of our school community a relaxing and peaceful summer vacation.

18 Tawjihi certificates and 23 Abitur certificates with top grades were presented in a celebratory ceremony on Saturday, May 18th. Many guests of honor, teachers and families of the proud graduates were celebrating with the fresh graduates. Congratulations!

Glimpses of life - that's the title of this year's play by Arabic teacher Ms Ruba and the classes 12B and 10B. Moving, absurd and humorous moments of our lives were presented in short performances and sketches. The program was supplemented by singing and dancing performances from other classes. Many thanks to everyone involved for this great evening!  


In spring, Schmidt-Schule received various VIP visitors. Shortly after the Easter holidays, the new Archbishop of Paderborn, Dr. Udo Markus Bentz and listened to the students talking about how their lives have changed since October 7, 2023.

Annette Schavan, former Federal Minister of Education and former Ambassador to the Holy See in Rome, also came to visit the Schmidt School as part of a trip to Jerusalem. In the discussion with the 12B high school graduates, the former minister was particularly interested in the students' future plans with regard to studying in Germany.


On March 4th, the President of the DVHL, His Eminence Rainer Cardinal Wölki, together with the Secretary General, Dr. Matthias Vogt visited the Schmidt School to get an idea of ​​the current situation of the school in the current crisis.

When meeting with Elementary school students, the girls greeted the cardinal with great joy and the children were very interested in the name and profession of the guest, who willingly answered the students' questions. The cardinal also talked about his own experience as a religion teacher as a young chaplain at school.

During the following visit to the religion course in grade 12B, Cardinal Wölki exchanged ideas with the students about their study and career aspirations and wished the girls much success and God's blessing for the upcoming oral Abitur exams.



Video length: 8 min.

Follow the ways of your heart, and whatever your eyes see.

(Ecclesiastes 11,9)

Sozialfonds Schmidt-Schule

The 'Sozialfonds Schmidt-Schule' covers part of the costs if the families don't have enough money to pay their daughters school fees. In this way, daughters from poor families can also get an excellent start into professional life. Generous sponsors also made it possible to purchase new equipment for the playground, additional books for the school library and stage lights for the auditorium. Perhaps you, too, would like to support the Schmidt School and its students.

Perhaps you, too, would like to support the Schmidt School and its students.


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Schmidt-Schule Jerusalem
Nablus Road 97
P.O. Box 995 | 9100 901 Jerusalem



Telefon: +972 (0)-2-62678-70 (Arabisch / Englisch)

Telefax: +972 (0)-2-6275321


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